Kate Beckinsale explains the meaning of Serendipity

Kate Beckinsale explains the meaning of Serendipity

One of my favorite words. It has the right sound for what "a lucky accident" expresses

  • Jonathan: How do you know this place?
  • Sara: The first time I entered for the name Serendipity, one of my favorite words
  • Jonathan: Oh yeah? Because?
  • Sara: It has the right sound for what expresses "a lucky accident" except that in my opinion there are no accidents, there is always destiny behind it.
  • Jonathan: Are you sure?
  • Sara: yes
  • Jonathan: Is everything decided by fate?
  • Sara: I think so
  • Jonathan: Everything is predestined, we have no choice
  • Sara: no, that is, we make decisions, destiny sends us small signs, our happiness depends on the ability to read them
  • Jonathan: Signs
  • Sara: yes
  • Jonathan: lucky accidents, happy discoveries, Columbus with America
  • Sara: yes, or Fleming with penicillin
  • Jonathan: Was Fleming called or Jonathan with gloves?
  • Sara: I don't know this one
  • Jonathan: Don't you know her? It is an old popular legend a classic. Our hero Jonathan sets off in search of a pair of black gloves and in an instant of perfect serendipity or serendipitousness he meets a beautiful and charming Englishwoman who has a boyfriend. You have a real boyfriend?
  • Sara: yes I do
  • Jonathan: Yes, I knew
  • Sara: and you have the little princess of the gloves
  • Jonathan: Yes I do
  • Sara: It was very nice

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