God doesn't limp but Dr. House does

God doesn't limp but Dr. House does

Gregory discovers that Wilson and Cuddy have hidden from him that his latest diagnosis of Addison's disease was correct
  • Do you know what Cuddy did?

  • what?

  • lied to me. He healed a patient of mine with my diagnosis and he didn't tell me anything

  • this is not like her

  • you are right. This is up to you indeed

  • what exactly did he tell you?

  • nothing that you are not telling me now with body language. Come on ... what was the plan? Make me feel so humble for missing a diagnosis to the point of reconsidering my miserable life and becoming as good as Cameron?

  • You came close. But more than anything else if we had told you that you had solved the case without even a shred of medical evidence, you would have believed yourself God, and I was afraid of losing a friend.

  • God doesn't limp

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